Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final post.

Today is the last credited blog post of the semester. I really enjoyed this class and learned many different things. A lot of the projects that we did were more in depth that what I was used to which helped expand my writing abilities in different fields. The one project I think I enjoyed the most was the memoir. I think I enjoyed this the most because I thought about it very fast and was able to adapt different styles to my writing that I have not done before. I feel the most proud of it and am actually keeping it documented and using it for different things.
The project I liked the least was probably not a project itself, but more of the timing and the assignment dates. We had one project spread out over a long period of time, and into a second project. I would have liked to get the project done and over with before starting a new one.
I participated in some of the extra credit readings and really enjoyed the fiction reading last week the best. I purchased the book and hope to read it soon after finals are all over. The readings gave me a broader sense of what others are writing and what their styles were.
I hope to use everything that I learned from this class in the future. I also hope to stay in contact with most of the other students and with the teacher. This was an amazing start to my first semester in college! I hope to see you all again soon! If anyone wants to contact me my Email is I will also be starting a blog after finals with my own writing updates and just random information!
Go Broncos!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Almost the end....

So this is one of the last blogs that are required for class. I hope to start one for anyone that may want to read, but we will see what happens. I will miss this class and everyone in it, it has been a good time.
Well on the up side I got a job over at the College of Engineering. It is a lot of fun, all of the people are pretty nice and cool. The work isn't that hard, but it gets pretty hectic at times. It's money though! I hope to keep it for a couple of semesters.
Well I hope everyone is having fun studying for finals! I am personally not enjoying it at all. Time to go study some more!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Almost last blog!

Today I went to see the reading in the BH center. It was pretty cool, I really liked how the author wrote so I got her book and was able to get it signed. It is a good way to end a semester. Hopefully I will be able to go to some of the readings next semester.
Today in class we had a work day. It was pretty fun and filled with cookies! I hope I will be able to stay in touch with everyone once class is over!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Two weeks left!

The last week has been a blast and it seems to only be getting better. It all started when I went to see the newest Harry Potter movie at midnight for the first showing. I felt that the producers did a very good job to get everything that was in the book better than they had in the past. Though it was well done, some thought it may have been a little slow. This is understandable because in the first half of the book all the main characters are doing is running around Europe. I can not wait until the next movie because it will be so full of action it'll be one of the most epic movies yet.
Besides that being great, there was Thanksgiving! I had so much food and relaxed the entire time. I only had two days of classes leading up to it which was also a good start to break.
Now break is over and everyone is back to school and work. I don't mind so much because we really only have two weeks of real class to go. I am worried a little about final exams, but after that it is nearly a month until I have to return! I can not wait!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Most Important events/facts/issues:

The Diary of Danny Pozzuto,
Excerpts of life during/after the Great Depression
New York, August 19th 1929- June 11, 1940

Key Points-
Arriving at Elise Island (August 19th 1929)
-On boat looking towards the Statue of Liberty
-Reflecting back on Elise Island/meeting with family

Stock Market Crash (October 29, 1929)
-Describe what was happening
-Explain everyday life
-First Christmas in America

Dust bowl (1931)
-Food prices rising
-No money/bootlegging

People buying real estate (June of 1931)
-Describe the idea of purchasing (Potential setting up a shop)
-Describe time still being bad (use pictures)

Roosevelt’s Inauguration
-Describe the happiness/his ideas

New Deal
-Describe new deal/what its doing for him

America goes off Gold Standard
-The impact on this person/America (distribute wealth)

New Years Eve of 1934
-Best party of the year, Alcohol legal
-in 1934 things have a slight upswing

World War 2 (Italy Joins July 11th, 1941)
-The last journal of this, fear of being deported or placed in internment camps.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I want to write!

I just finished reading "In the shadows of the towers," and I did not enjoy it that much. I did not understand it very much and everything seemed very chaotic and un-orderly. It didn't take very long but it was still odd. Anyways, this weekend was a lot of fun. I went up to Michigan State to visit some friends again and we didn't really sleep. We ran all around campus and just hung out at a couple different dorms. Besides that my weekend was not very eventful.
Now it is another monday but I am super excited for this week to be over because it is then Thanksgiving week! Then it is only a couple of weeks until the end of the semester! Well I have to go finish working on reading all the sources for the project.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Library Labrenth

Today in class we went down to the library to use the computer lab and gather sources for our research papers. I thought it was a successful trip, finding four sources, one of which was a duplicate of what another person in my group was using. When trying to find all of the books I got a little lost. First of all I am terrible with directions, and then when I am put into a very large building that I have maybe stepped foot in once, I was clueless. In the end I was able to find all of my books and checked out. The search engine that we learned about was very helpful and I believe I will be able to use it for future use. It got me familiar with the library as well.